Agencies / Missions

Short-Term Missions

    Forms short-term teams to aid and implements the outreach/evangelism programs of host congregations and missionaries, and helps young people develop a servant’s heart and to seek actively to serve God in their congregations, communities, schools, homes, and workplaces.

    The purpose of our short-term trips is to encourage men and women of God to consider their calling from Him to be involved in the work of taking the gospel to the nations. We do this through trips that typically last three to four weeks and can be as long as three months. Most of our trips are international. We always work with established congregations and/or missionaries, instead of traveling to areas where no one can do follow-up work after we leave. Our motto is “Serve, Proclaim, Disciple,” and everything we do on these trips is based on our desire to serve Christ and His Church and to proclaim the gospel and to see the nations discipled. Our goal is to aid and implement the programs of the host congregations, instead of taking our own agendas or programs to mission sites.
    Short-term Trips

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